4D Write Pro – Continuous Section Breaks
Starting with 4D v19 R3, 4D Write Pro supports continuous section breaks.
A continuous section break creates a section in its own right but without causing a page break.
This allows, among other things, to have different numbers of columns on the same page!
4D Write Pro – New image formats
Starting with 4D v19 R2, inline as well as anchored images inside 4D Write Pro documents will benefit from new formatting types.
We’ve also made it much easier to format the images used as background of documents, sections, paragraphs, etc.
Let’s find out more about these enhancements.
4D Write Pro – Find and Replace
For many years now, 4D Write Pro has made it possible to create simple or complex documents, either via programming using templates or by simply creating new documents from scratch. Starting with 4D v19, both developers and end users will be happy to use the new find (and replace) capabilities of 4D Write Pro. Using not just the interface… but also the code!
Let’s delve into the details!
From docx format to 4D Write Pro!
A couple of months ago, we were happy to announce the ability to export 4D Write Pro documents to Microsoft Word.docx format. Now we’re thrilled to announce that the reverse operation is also possible!
Starting with 4D v19, you can import .docx documents into 4D Write Pro. Let’s have a closer look.
4D Write Pro: Easily locate all the breaks
4D Write Pro documents support five types of breaks:
- line breaks
- paragraph breaks
- page breaks
- section breaks
- column breaks
Sometimes, you need to locate a certain type of break to replace it with another, or simply delete all its occurrences in the document. To make this possible, we developed a new function: WP Get breaks.
More features in the 4D Write Pro interface widget
The 4D Write Pro toolbar and sidebar continue to grow with more functionalities to help you create documents even faster and easier.
With 4D v18 R6, you can :
- increment or decrement text
- copy/paste the ruler
- change the background color of a paragraph
- change the style of a word (uppercase, lowercase, etc.)
4D Write Pro – Full text indexation
“I want to find all of the documents that talk about tango! I need them quickly! Can I do that?”
Ok, but first breathe!
Keyword searches within 4D Write Pro documents simply require adding a new indexing attribute within each document. This isn’t done by default because this type of search is not often necessary so it wouldn’t make sense to systematically increase the size of the documents. However, when it’s needed, this type of index is very easy to build.
4D Write Pro: Decimal point or comma for number alignment?
Numbers … big, small, very big, very small … No matter their size, it’s always better if they’re easy to read. In most countries and languages, separator characters are usually used to separate thousands (or tens of thousands) and there is always a character to distinguish the decimal part from the rest of the number. When it’s time to align these numbers correctly in documents, “decimal tabulators” are used (which are based on the decimal separator character of the numbers).
But what if the documents contain numbers from different countries and the numbers aren’t formatted in the right way? Let’s take a closer look at this!
4D Write Pro: soft-hyphens made easy
With 4D v18 R5, we’ve simplified the insertion of soft-hyphens by providing new standard actions, as well as new buttons in the 4D Write Pro Interface widgets.
Select 4D Write Pro Interface pages to display
The two 4D Write Pro Interface widgets continue to be enhanced with more abilities and functionalities in each release. For some of your applications, not all the widget pages are useful. For example, you use 4D Write Pro to format your emails, so you only want to display a few pages to simplify the interface and make the user’s work easier.
4D v18 R5 lets you display only the desired pages. Keep reading to learn how!
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