4D Write Pro : PDF/A Format Is Now Available For Export!
The PDF format is now a classic and has been available for exporting 4D Write Pro documents for several versions. The PDF/A format is available optionally while exporting 4D Write pro document to PDF from 4D v20 R3 and will open the door to other possibilities, such as electronic invoicing in the near future. But before that, let’s focus on PDF/A and its differences (positive or negative) from the conventional PDF format.
4D Write Pro – A Wizard to Create Tables with Data
Over the last few versions of 4D Write Pro, many table-related features have been added. You can easily create tables based on database data using contexts, data sources, and formulas.
This is so easy that many of just want to let your end-users use the feature as it is. But we understand this can sometimes be challenging for users who lack training in formatting data sources or formulas for various table components. To address this, we have developed a solution shipped with 4D v20 R2: the brand-new table wizard.
The wizard is available to end-users; they can take advantage of templates adapted to their use and business provided by the developer. Configuring templates includes:
- define dataclass and dataclass attributes,
- translate dataclass, dataclass attributes, and formula names,
- prepare formulas adapted to the business,
- design graphic styles.
Continue reading to find out more, and don’t forget to check out the HDI and watch the bonus video that guides you through various possibilities.
4D Write Pro Tables: Introducing Cells Merge
Tables are among the most essential elements in 4D Write Pro documents. 4D v20 R2 brings a new improvement to help you better organise and present information within tables. Say hello to the possibility of merging cells!
4D Write Pro & Text Boxes: docx Import/Export Options
Introduced with 4D v19 R8, text boxes allow you to insert text, tables, images, formulas, and other elements anywhere into your applications. This feature has been improved in v20 to include the ability to export and import these elements from and to docx documents.
In addition, a new export option has been added that is also valid for other document types!
Break Rows. A New Addition to 4D Write Pro Tables!
The 4D Write Pro document tables have greatly improved over the last few versions. In fact, we, the 4D team, are so invested in making 4D Write Pro a potent template-based documents generator —that we have already released advances such as headers, datasources, carry-over rows…a few powerful features off the top of my head.
Now, with 4D v20, it’s the turn of break rows to make their entry!
Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll, please!
4D Write Pro : Say Welcome to Floating Text Boxes!
4D Write Pro is an essential product for creating business documents. That’s why with every feature release, we give you more features to nail your work, and this time, 4D v19 R8 is bringing floating text boxes to 4D Write Pro.
So if you are required to use text boxes, let’s say, to create company letters in compliance with the company identity, you are free to get started right away.
4D Write Pro – Document Modification Detection
When a 4D Write Pro document is in edit mode, it’s often helpful to know if it has actually been modified by the end user. Based on this information, actions or interfaces can be adjusted to be more user-friendly.
Starting with 4D v19 R7, this is now easier than ever.
4D Write Pro: User-friendly Display of Formulas
Formulas are an integral part of 4D Write Pro documents. They allow the integration of a lot of information coming from the database. Creating documents and templates that include formulas, combined to physical constraints (number of pages, paper size), can lead to non-wysiwyg designs. A new mode of displaying formulas is now available to facilitate this design.
4D Write Pro: Carry Over Rows are Available!
Using tables in 4D Write Pro documents is more frequent, especially since it is possible to associate a datasource to them, which automatically feeds their rows!
As the number of rows gets more prominent, it is common for these tables to be automatically split into several parts to allow for a page or column break. In this situation, it is sometimes convenient to insert (automatically!) a “subtotal” line at the bottom of each part of the respective tables. Yes, that’s right, this is possible in 4D v19 R7 ?
Use 4D Write Pro to Create & Print a Batch of Documents
Whatever your business, you must create listings, inventories, tracking sheets, product sheets, invoices, and many other documents. These documents are usually printed or saved in PDF for archiving.
4D Write Pro is the ideal tool to create all your documents. Here is a list of several features available in 4D Write Pro that can help you make beautiful documents for printing:
- page layout and margin management for printing,
- pdf export,
- document protection,
- table creation,
- table formatting with repeated headers,
- definition of a data context,
- inserting ORDA formulas in a table (new in 4D v19 R6).
Using these different features, here are some examples of documents produced.
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