
Detailed analysis of your database structure

Did you know that you can retrieve very detailed information on a table, field, indexes, relation or even on the complete database structure? This kind of information is always very useful for analysis or introspection purposes. Of course, you could use the 4D Pack deprecated commands: _AP Get field infos and _AP Get table info. Another option is to use the SQL system tables.

None of them allows you to retrieve all information. So why use a plug-in or SQL when you could use a 4D command? The EXPORT STRUCTURE command returns the complete database structure definition in an XML tree. This command exists since 4D v14 R4.


4D Write Pro – Horizontal Ruler

With 4D v16 R2 you can display a graphical horizontal ruler at the top of the 4D Write Pro area ! Thanks to this horizontal ruler, the text can be easily formatted.

Prior to the existence of this graphic ruler, tabulations could only be managed by programming or using the 4D Write Pro interface widget. From now (4D v16 R2 and above), when the ruler is displayed (this is optional) the final user will have the opportunity to manage margins and tabulations easily and graphically.


4D v16 R2 beta test starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R2 starts today!

4D v16 R2 delivers the final version of Altura-free 4D Developer Edition Windows 64-bit as well as great improvements, among other things, as listed below:

  • Better integration into the enterprise with Virtual Machine Snapshots Support
  • More control and higher flexibility for the developer: Cache Manager priority control, new programmatic possibilities for list boxes, search in array in objects using linked arguments,…
  • Improved user experience: horizontal ruler in 4D Write Pro, cross table in Quick Report 64-bit editor as well as a revisited Find in Design dialog.
News 4D v16 is ready for download!

4D v16 is now available!

Thanks to its new features and advanced core technologies, 4D v16 enables you to create and run scalable, rapid, flexible and engaging applications, easily adaptable to changes in business needs. It helps you speed up development and cut complexity, so you can focus on your priorities and seize new opportunities. You can check the complete list of 4D new features. Some of the 4D v16 key advantages are summarized here after.


Web Server in preemptive mode

We are moving forward with 4D v16 on preemptive multi-threading as the 4D Web Server is also becoming preemptive. Just click one checkbox and your application will support more simultaneously connected users, and process more requests in parallel. For requests using a lot of CPU time, execution can be up to 2 times faster!


Boost your performance with the new cache manager

The 4D v16 version has definitely been designed for better performance and scalability. In addition to major features like preemptive multi-threading, 4D v16 64-bit is embedding a brand new cache manager for a optimized handling of objects in cache memory avoiding any fragmentation issues.

The new cache manager improves the usage of very large cache for modern computers (with 64 or even 128 GB of Cache) allowing to take advantage of low RAM prices to have even large databases fully in memory. It also improves the situation of small cache size with very large data files, by decreasing the amount of unloading memory with increased support of priorities for data objects to be hold or released from cache.