4D v16 is now available!
Thanks to its new features and advanced core technologies, 4D v16 enables you to create and run scalable, rapid, flexible and engaging applications, easily adaptable to changes in business needs. It helps you speed up development and cut complexity, so you can focus on your priorities and seize new opportunities. You can check the complete list of 4D new features. Some of the 4D v16 key advantages are summarized here after.
Web Server in preemptive mode
We are moving forward with 4D v16 on preemptive multi-threading as the 4D Web Server is also becoming preemptive. Just click one checkbox and your application will support more simultaneously connected users, and process more requests in parallel. For requests using a lot of CPU time, execution can be up to 2 times faster!
Boost your performance with the new cache manager
The 4D v16 version has definitely been designed for better performance and scalability. In addition to major features like preemptive multi-threading, 4D v16 64-bit is embedding a brand new cache manager for a optimized handling of objects in cache memory avoiding any fragmentation issues.
The new cache manager improves the usage of very large cache for modern computers (with 64 or even 128 GB of Cache) allowing to take advantage of low RAM prices to have even large databases fully in memory. It also improves the situation of small cache size with very large data files, by decreasing the amount of unloading memory with increased support of priorities for data objects to be hold or released from cache.
MSC now helps you to find deprecated images
QuickDraw/QuickTime pictures (PICT format) are deprecated since 4D v11 and must be replaced by modern picture formats (such as PNG or JPEG). New 64-bit versions of 4D no longer support PICT images. So the challenge is to find them in your old applications.
New preferences in Method Editor
You want to visualize occurrences of a given variable in the 4D method editor? Or you find your method code too heavy with all those block icon and lines everywhere that it’s becoming hard to read?
With 4D v16 new preference options are available in the code editor to make the 4D developers’ life easier!!
User settings linked to the data file
If you’re used to run multiple 4D instances of an application on the same system, we are introducing with 4D v16 a feature that will simplify your life.
You now have the possibility to associate a set of different user settings with each data file.
Preemptive processes for 4D language
Since 4D v11, the database server and SQL server both use preemptive multi-threading. Starting with 4D v13, the Web Server in Static mode also uses preemptive. Now with v15 R5, the 4D language can also be run in preemptive processes.
4D Write Pro: Document Creation by Programming
One common usage of 4D Write was to create documents automatically, such as invoices, reports, orders, based on templates created or designed by the end user.
4D Write Pro v16 will support this usage with the new concept of bookmarks, that can be used to easily build new documents section by section.
New “Get 4D File” command
In 4D v16, a new Get 4D File command returns the file path to different 4D files. You can now easily retrieve the path for the following files:
- Backup configuration file
- Last backup file
- User structure settings file
- User data settings file
A new feature in 4D Write Pro: “Bookmarks”!
Bookmarks can now be created inside 4D Write Pro documents. But what are bookmarks exactly? A bookmark is a named reference matching a text selection of a 4D Write Pro document.
Several bookmarks can be present inside a single document. Once bookmarks have been created, they can be retrieved as a list of names, then using one of them allows retrieve the range of the corresponding text.
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