4D Write Pro: More display options for anchored pictures and text boxes!
So far 4D Write Pro documents, pictures can be either in line (just like a big character), behind or in front of the text. Text boxes (appeared in 4D v20) can also be placed in front or behind the text. A huge improvement comes with 4D 20 R5 where pictures and text boxes can now be surrounded by wrapping text!
4D Write Pro & Text Boxes: docx Import/Export Options
Introduced with 4D v19 R8, text boxes allow you to insert text, tables, images, formulas, and other elements anywhere into your applications. This feature has been improved in v20 to include the ability to export and import these elements from and to docx documents.
In addition, a new export option has been added that is also valid for other document types!
From docx format to 4D Write Pro!
A couple of months ago, we were happy to announce the ability to export 4D Write Pro documents to Microsoft Word.docx format. Now we’re thrilled to announce that the reverse operation is also possible!
Starting with 4D v19, you can import .docx documents into 4D Write Pro. Let’s have a closer look.
4D Write Pro interface widget: Import & Export
You asked for a way to import and export different document formats via the 4D Write Pro widget and once again, 4D listened!
In addition to the 4D commands that already allow you to import and export documents in different formats, such as export .docx format with 4D v17 R4 and PDF format with 4D v18 R4. Now, 4D Write Pro can import and export different document formats via the widget from the toolbar and sidebar.