Higher security ranking for 4D web sites
HTTPS is a well-known HTTP protocol, covered with a layer of SSL/TLS encryption goodness. This protocol is intended to provide confidentiality and integrity by encrypting communications between your server and your end users, rendering your data secure from prying eyes.
4D v16 R6 takes it a step further: 4D Web server now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). This provides you with the highest security level for your communications – by default! Beyond the protection it provides, the support of PFS also increases the SSL audit test results of an out-of-the-box 4D server, which is great for our customers. Especially those working with sensitive information.
Play videos with 4D
We’re in the visual and interactive content era. It’s becoming increasingly more and more prominent. Take a look at digital community statistics and you’ll discover that YouTube is the second most popular social network.
At some point, most web developers want to include videos in their sites and coincidentally, databases frequently contain links to videos (either hosted locally or on the web). This post shows you two ways to include videos in your 4D applications.
How to use Twitter’s search API with 4D
Given that there are around 6,000 tweets every second (i.e. over 350,000 tweets per minute, 500 million tweets per day equaling approximately 200 billion tweets per year), it would be great if we could search for those related to a specific subject rather than an avalanche of tweets we’re not interested in. Good news! Twitter provides a REST Search API that is great for searching tweets.
New command to get Web Server information
This feature is another way of providing you the ability to create your own server administration dialog. Following the ability to retrieve information for all processes (added in 4D v16 R4), we are now offering you a new command which returns, as a whole, all runtime information about 4D Web server.
With 4D v16 R5, retrieving web server information has never been easier, thanks to a single command: WEB Get server info.
Hash and verify passwords for web user login
Security is becoming an increasingly important topic as business applications become more frequently accessible through the web and are, as a result, more vulnerable to threats. As 4D is closely paying attention to security matters, in 4D v16 R5 we are providing you with a couple of security improvements, and one of them relates to the web users’ password protection through password hashing.
By the way, if you want to know more about how 4D is helping you to protect your data and with the security in general, I recommend you to take a look at this blog post.
More security for your 4D Server
Over the years, security has become a core topic for business applications. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both frequently referred to as “SSL”, are cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network. The TLS version that your application is using for web or client/server connections, for instance, contributes to its security level.
4D supports all TLS versions: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. The protocol version used is negotiated between the server and the client when establishing the connection. To increase the security level, beginning with 4D v16 R5, the default minimum supported version is TLS 1.2, older versions are rejected, as they could be unsecure.
How to use Google Charts with 4D
According to neuroscientists, we respond better and faster to a visual form than any other type of representation. That’s why graphs and charts are clearly a key to a better understanding of data.
So if you’re looking to display bar charts, histograms, or pie charts which are modern and fully compatible with the leading browsers, but also more suitable for the way the human brain processes information, Google Charts is one possible answer. The available chart types in Google Charts is varied: from the classical bar/column/pie charts, Google Charts also offers elaborated graphs such as Treemap, Candlestick and Gauge charts.
New rendering engine for Web Area
4D is updating its internal component for embedded Web Area objects for the most up-to-date and well-maintained existing rendering engine. As we want to durably support the state of the art in HTML and JavaScript technology, we are changing to Blink (also used in Google Chrome) for the Web Area for all 4D 64-bit versions.
Web Server in preemptive mode
We are moving forward with 4D v16 on preemptive multi-threading as the 4D Web Server is also becoming preemptive. Just click one checkbox and your application will support more simultaneously connected users, and process more requests in parallel. For requests using a lot of CPU time, execution can be up to 2 times faster!
4D Mobile sessions
The WEB Session commands have been adapted to 4D Mobile session. Now, you can save the results of a query or an inter-process variable related to a given 4D Mobile session. For example, with new handling of 4D Mobile sessions, you can manage the cart of your users.
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