
4D v18 R2 is here

We’re pleased to announce that 4D v18 R2 is now available!

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store for you:

  • The Form Editor‘s UX has been greatly enhanced to instantly let you know when views are used and provide many actions to simplify form design (add view, delete a view, select all objects in the view, etc.). The cherry on top? A redesigned layout and flat icons for a fresh overall look.
  • Full control over your work area is available to prevent an application’s interface from being covered by the macOS dock/menu or the Windows taskbar. And a list box builder is up and running to simplify your life when building entity selection list boxes.
  • 4D Write Pro ships with additional features, for example, managing formulas inside your documents and the ability to delete pictures in a snap.
  • What about your 4D View Pro documents? There’s now a whole set of commands to help you add and remove rows and columns, as well as define their size, visibility, and header labels.
  • Plus, the first part of a feature to receive emails is accessible, allowing you to locally download emails and remove them from your email server.

And more awaits you.