4D v18 R2 is here
We’re pleased to announce that 4D v18 R2 is now available!
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store for you:
- The Form Editor‘s UX has been greatly enhanced to instantly let you know when views are used and provide many actions to simplify form design (add view, delete a view, select all objects in the view, etc.). The cherry on top? A redesigned layout and flat icons for a fresh overall look.
- Full control over your work area is available to prevent an application’s interface from being covered by the macOS dock/menu or the Windows taskbar. And a list box builder is up and running to simplify your life when building entity selection list boxes.
- 4D Write Pro ships with additional features, for example, managing formulas inside your documents and the ability to delete pictures in a snap.
- What about your 4D View Pro documents? There’s now a whole set of commands to help you add and remove rows and columns, as well as define their size, visibility, and header labels.
- Plus, the first part of a feature to receive emails is accessible, allowing you to locally download emails and remove them from your email server.
And more awaits you.
A new tool to easily build Entity Selection list boxes
To display a list of records, an entity selection list box is the most suitable when using ORDA technology. 4D v18 R2 simplifies your life with a new tool to easily build entity selection list boxes: List box builder. What is it? It’s a simple dialog where you can set up your list box in a few quick steps (select the table and fields to display, enter column titles, and define the column order).
Customize your debugger shortcuts
Some developers use multiple IDEs and want to have the same shortcut for debugging actions. As of 4D v18 R2, it’s possible to customize the debug shortcuts from the 4D preferences.
Who did what: Store user aliases in the journal
By now, you’ve surely discovered the new ability to identify your users thanks to the SET USER ALIAS command. In 4D v18 R2, the command’s behavior has been extended. How? Keep reading!
Deleting pictures from 4D Write Pro documents
4D Write Pro brings good news with 4D v18 R2: deleting inline or anchored pictures can now be done in a snap! Say hello to the new command, WP DELETE PICTURE.
4D View Pro: Freeze panes to lock rows or columns
If you have a large table of data, it can be useful to keep an area of a worksheet visible while you scroll to another area. That’s why 4D v18 R2 includes a new command to help you create panes. Say hello to VP SET FROZEN PANES.
Receive emails with POP3 protocol
4D v18 introduced an easy to use and powerful new way to create and send emails. A way that lets you send eye-catching emails based on HTML (with images, videos, and attachments), using just a few lines of code. In 4D v18 R2, we’ve added the ability to locally download your emails and remove them from your email server. In this blog post, we’ll go through the new possibilities this offers.
4D Write Pro and formulas
With 4D v18 R2, 4D Write Pro is able to manage formula objects inside documents. To do so, four new commands have been created: WP Get formulas, WP Insert formula, WP Compute formulas, and WP Freeze formulas. They all can be used with intuitive targets like document, body, headers, etc. And as you may have guessed from the command names, formulas are no longer text expressions but powerful formula objects!
Project databases: Improved views in the form editor
The Form Editor allows you to create, modify, and customize your forms. Several tools are available to make your work easier, one of which is the Views palette. This tool makes it easy to build complex forms by distributing objects into different views. The views enable objects to be hidden or displayed as needed.
What if you’re working on a form developed by someone else? How can you quickly determine if the form uses views? Are there limitations on the number of views permitted? 4D v18 R2 and project databases eliminate these existential questions while greatly enhancing the user experience!
4D View Pro: Manage Rows and Columns
More features continue to be added to 4D View Pro’s ever-growing list of capabilities and this R-release is no exception. 4D v18 R2 includes new commands allowing you to add and remove columns or rows, as well as define their size, visibility, and header labels. This blog post shows you how!
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