
4D Write Pro and the UI widgets

4D Write Pro has no default interface because it’s meant to be embedded in your application. Therefore, it needs to fit your user interface design and provide just the right amount of features for your use case(s). We decided to provide you an easy way to create your own interface with Standard Actions. Since starting from scratch is not always easy, we’ve made widgets available that you can use directly. Better yet, if you’re a partner, you can even customize them (i.e., remove features, change the order/organization of tabs, buttons, etc.)!

In this blog post, we’ll go through the interface possibilities offered by 4D Write Pro.


A component to export the structure file

Thanks to 4D v17 R3, you can export your structure file in multiple text files. For example, with only a few lines of code you can create a copy of your database every morning. You can use this to keep track of the history or to send your database to a colleague and see the changes when they’re done working on it.

We provide you a ready-to-use component with only two methods: one to configure the data to be exported, and the other to export your database.

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