
How to easily handle text insertion in 4D Write Pro

4D Write Pro packs in a lot of commands and functions allowing you to create and handle complex documents by programming, documents which include pictures and text! Today, 4D Write Pro gets its own commands to insert and read text without needing to use commands originally designed for Styled Text! Thanks to these new commands, your code takes full advantage of the 4D Write Pro programming concepts, i.e. objects and ranges. Thus, your code is more elegant and easier to read!


4D FOR IOS is coming soon!

Do you need to extend your 4D application to mobiles? Are you in a business where you need to constantly check, for example, unpaid invoices or customer quotes? Perhaps you also need to perform a quick search for a product reference to answer a customer? They’re all simple actions that can be performed from a mobile device. And 4D for iOS is the perfect tool for this!

The 4D for iOS product was announced during 4D Summit 2018, opening a whole world of possibilities for you and your customers. It’s fully integrated in 4D, which means that you can easily create a new mobile project directly from 4D, without the need of any prior expertise building native iOS apps!


Handle entities in an entity selection

FIRST RECORD, LAST RECORD, NEXT RECORD, PREVIOUS RECORD; does that ring any bells? I bet it does. You’ve already been using them to handle selections! ORDA provides useful and familiar methods to navigate through entities in an entity selection – and obviously, some perks!

For starters, you can handle several entity selections at the same time and navigate through them independently, whereas normally you can only manage a single ‘current selection’ per table. That’s precisely what we’re going to see in this blog post.


Use table ranges in 4D Write Pro

Since 4D v16 R4, it’s been possible to create tables by programming in your 4D Write Pro documents. Styling the whole table or just certain cells could be done during the creation of the document, but maybe you also want to manage your tables afterwards. Now, it’s easy to manipulate tables in an existing document, to change the border style or color, to change the font size or make it bold, etc.

4D Write Pro programming is highly based on “ranges“. After paragraph ranges and picture ranges, 4D v17 introduces a new type of range: table ranges, returned by a new command: WP Create table range. Styling tables is now simple with this new command and new type of range!