
Altura-free 4D Server Windows 64 bits coming soon

4D is moving forward to provide you with a full Altura-free Windows product line. This will allow us to internally use some modern technologies and make you benefit from it, such as support of Single Document Interface (SDI) windows for instance.

End of last year, we did a first announcement to share with you how we will proceed with the removal of Altura. With 4D v16 R2, we have delivered the Altura-free final version of 4D Developer Edition and 4D Volume Desktop Windows 64-bit. The last step is 4D Server, and this will happen in a near future. We are actually going to remove Altura library from 4D Server Windows 64 bits in a coming 4D v16 R-release.

Product 4D View Pro: cross table

Easily create cross-tables reports with the Quick Report editor

A new step has been reached in 4D v16 R2 with the 64-bit Quick Report editor: the cross-table reports are now available!

As you probably already noticed, the new Quick report for 64-bit versions had been fully redesigned since v15 R3 to provide you and your end-user with a better user experience. After list reports which were available as the very first step, we are now moving forward and delivering cross-table reports.


64-bit product line FINAL on Windows

64-bit is the way where everybody needs to go. 64-bit allows you to take advantage of the power of the 64-bit machines and of the latest native system features for your business application.

With 4D v16 R2, 4D has reached a major milestone as 4D Developer Edition and the 4D Volume Desktop Windows 64-bit are now released as “Final” and are thus ready for production.

Start early, use it now and share your feedback through in the beta version forum from 4D Forums!


4D v16 R2 beta test starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R2 starts today!

4D v16 R2 delivers the final version of Altura-free 4D Developer Edition Windows 64-bit as well as great improvements, among other things, as listed below:

  • Better integration into the enterprise with Virtual Machine Snapshots Support
  • More control and higher flexibility for the developer: Cache Manager priority control, new programmatic possibilities for list boxes, search in array in objects using linked arguments,…
  • Improved user experience: horizontal ruler in 4D Write Pro, cross table in Quick Report 64-bit editor as well as a revisited Find in Design dialog.
News 4D v16 is ready for download!

4D v16 is now available!

Thanks to its new features and advanced core technologies, 4D v16 enables you to create and run scalable, rapid, flexible and engaging applications, easily adaptable to changes in business needs. It helps you speed up development and cut complexity, so you can focus on your priorities and seize new opportunities. You can check the complete list of 4D new features. Some of the 4D v16 key advantages are summarized here after.

Product 4D Write Pro

View properties in 4D Write Pro

From 4D v16, you can define at design phase the way a 4D Write Pro document will be displayed in a 4D Write Pro area. Without writing a single line of code, you can define several view attributes such as the resolution, zoom, page view mode. Advanced properties are also available to define whether you want to show 4D expressions or values for instance. Again no code to write, just a checkbox and it’s done.

News 4D Windows 64-bit: Altura free

Altura-free version of 4D Windows 64-bit is on the way

On the way to provide Windows 64-bit version of the 4D product line we reached a major milestone, an Altura-free version. Altura is a library to emulate MacOS functionality on Windows, which was used to help plug-in developers to provide their products on Windows.

Although internally 4D for the most part did not use Altura any longer for a while, it was still deeply integrated to provide the functionality for 3rd party plug-ins.

Product 4D View Pro: Variable Row Height in Listbox

4D View Pro – Variable Row Height in Listbox

Displaying a list where the line height would exactly fit the content is a very common need. 4D View Pro is including a new feature so that you can now control the height of each row independently in a listbox to make it fit to its content. To know more about 4D View Pro, check out this blog post.

There are actually now two ways to define the row height in a listbox:

  • using new dedicated commands
  • using a new control array