
4D for Mobile: What’s new in v19 R4

We are pleased to announce that a new version of 4D is available with new features for 4D for iOS and 4D for Android. Without further ado, let’s dive in:


For 4D for Android and 4D for iOS

  • Display object fields in your mobile application in human-readable format or in JSON format. Object fields are used to store various types of data in a 4D application, and now they are easily usable in mobile apps.
  • Improvement to generate your embedded data set.


For 4D for Android (already available in 4D for iOS):

  • All related data is managed in your application. 
  • Online actions are available. It’s possible to execute code on a 4D server to check data, execute calculations or add an entity.

4D v19 R4 Beta starts today

Yet another release, but not just any other release ?

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of beta testing for 4D v19 R4, which incorporates many features you requested, plus features we believe will be delightful to use!

Without further ado, let’s take a look and see what it has in store for you:


  • Upon your request, we supported high-resolution displays, such as 4K displays, in Windows. This results in better text and image quality.
  • Another highly requested feature is at your disposal, the possibility to launch an external process asynchronously to enhance your users’ experience. 
  • What about pessimistic lock management via REST? YES, we have that too.
  • As for the 4D language, we couldn’t be more excited to share the many improvements we made available with you to elevate your coding experience.
  • 4D Write Pro is embracing the dark (mode)! And enabling you to add page breaks inside table rows.  
  • Speed up your development process with 4D View Pro “templates.”
  • The code editor has its share of features. For example, comment tags, quick access to different class functions, and syntax error checking.
  • And much more (see below)!