Product 4D Write Pro Standard action

Create your own interface for 4D Write Pro

You want to quickly create a menu bar to manage your 4D Write Pro areas? You want to create your own contextual menu for your end-users ? You would like to create a color mosaic to change the document background? So this feature is made for you – and better, you do not even need to write a single line of code…

We added standard actions to handle 4D Write Pro areas. They can be defined at design phase or by programming. More than 80+ actions are available and to name just some of them: Font style (bold, italic, underline), Font color, Background color, Text alignment (left, center, right, justify…), Borders (style, color, width, radius…), Spellchecker actions…

Something important to notice, when assigned to interface objects, standard actions automatically handle the activation/disabling of the object depending on the context. Easy!


4D Write Pro – Horizontal Ruler

With 4D v16 R2 you can display a graphical horizontal ruler at the top of the 4D Write Pro area ! Thanks to this horizontal ruler, the text can be easily formatted.

Prior to the existence of this graphic ruler, tabulations could only be managed by programming or using the 4D Write Pro interface widget. From now (4D v16 R2 and above), when the ruler is displayed (this is optional) the final user will have the opportunity to manage margins and tabulations easily and graphically.

Product 4D Write Pro

View properties in 4D Write Pro

From 4D v16, you can define at design phase the way a 4D Write Pro document will be displayed in a 4D Write Pro area. Without writing a single line of code, you can define several view attributes such as the resolution, zoom, page view mode. Advanced properties are also available to define whether you want to show 4D expressions or values for instance. Again no code to write, just a checkbox and it’s done.

Product 4D Write Pro

Protection of 4D Write Pro dynamic expression evaluation

With 4D v16, 4D Write Pro is now providing a higher level of protection regarding the evaluation of 4D expressions in documents.
Developers can now fully rely on 4D for checking the evaluation of these expressions. By doing so, end-user machines and databases will be automatically protected from any possible side effects.

A valid 4D expression can be a field, a variable, a 4D command, a statement returning a value, a project method, and so on.

Starting with 4D v16, “unsafe” 4D expressions will no longer be evaluated and an error will be displayed instead.


Headers and footers in 4D Write Pro

4D Write Pro is moving forward with 4D v16!

You can now insert headers and footers in your 4D Write Pro documents but also retrieve any existing headers and footers when opening an existing .4w7 document from the 4D Write plugin.

You can define document sections and add headers or footers for all or independently per section. You can have different headers/footers for the right and left page, or for the first page of the section. Of course, headers and footers can be styled as the rest of the document (font, color, margin, padding, borders…) and can contain images as well.