
4D Write Pro – Horizontal Ruler

With 4D v16 R2 you can display a graphical horizontal ruler at the top of the 4D Write Pro area ! Thanks to this horizontal ruler, the text can be easily formatted.

Prior to the existence of this graphic ruler, tabulations could only be managed by programming or using the 4D Write Pro interface widget. From now (4D v16 R2 and above), when the ruler is displayed (this is optional) the final user will have the opportunity to manage margins and tabulations easily and graphically.

Product 4D View Pro: Variable Row Height in Listbox

4D View Pro – Variable Row Height in Listbox

Displaying a list where the line height would exactly fit the content is a very common need. 4D View Pro is including a new feature so that you can now control the height of each row independently in a listbox to make it fit to its content. To know more about 4D View Pro, check out this blog post.

There are actually now two ways to define the row height in a listbox:

  • using new dedicated commands
  • using a new control array

Use Unicode for texts in forms

In 4D v16 the texts for all the form objects (static texts, buttons, check boxes, etc…) will be stored in Unicode, allowing you to use characters from different languages directly in the form editor.

Especially for Asian or Eastern European languages this will ease the development process.

Product 4D View Pro: Create flexible UI

Create flexible UIs using 4D View Pro

Easily create flexible and powerful UIs, dialogs and widgets with 4D View Pro! To know more about 4D View Pro, check out this blog post.

This feature is a powerful enhancement for the listbox object, providing you with a mean to define very flexible UIs. An array of objects can now be associated with the column of a listbox so that each cell can have different types of widgets according to the type of data to be displayed.