Using $1, $2, and $n variables in your code not only makes the code less readable, it can also increase confusion since the human brain can find it difficult to remember what these variables correspond to. The solution is to create a variable with an understandable name and assign it the value of $1, $2, or $n.
4D v18 R5 has good news, you can now name your parameters when declaring:
- a project method,
- a trigger
- a database method
- a form method
- a constructor of a class
- a function of a class.
Let’s see how!
In 4D v18 R4, we showed you a new syntax to declare your variables:
var $name : Text
var $birthdate : Date
var $file : 4D.File
The new syntax for methods and functions is very similar.
New declaration for classes
After the name of the function, add your various input parameters separated by a semicolon in parenthesis:
Class Constructor($firstname : Text; $lastname : Text; $birthdate : Date)
Function setAdress($streetNumber : Text; $streetName : Text; $city : Text)
For the output parameter, just add the “->” symbol, then the name and type as the input parameter.
Function getFullname -> $fullname : Text
$fullname:=This.firstName+" "+Upper(This.lastName)
Function sendMessage($text : Text) -> $message : Text
$message:="@"+This.firstname+": "+$text
New declaration for methods
The same principle applies to methods with a new keyword: #DECLARE.
- An example with a “highlightRow” project method:
#DECLARE($listboxName : Text; $rowNum : Integer)
LISTBOX SELECT ROW(*; $listboxName; $rowNum)
- An example with the On Web Authentication database method:
#DECLARE($url : Text; $header : Text; \
$BrowserIP : Text; $ServerIP : Text; \
$user : Text; $password : Text) \
->$RequestAccepted : Boolean
$entitySelection:=ds.User.query("login=:1"; $user)
// Check hash password...
// ...
The name of the parameter is also visible in the call chain pane of the debugger. Here’s an example with a class function:
If you need an additional reason to use the new syntax, take a look at the image below. Yes! The declaration of the function is displayed in the status bar exactly as it is for 4D commands.