
4D v16 R3 is available!

Upgrade now and benefit from the power of 4D v16 R3, available today for download!

Take advantage of our new features to optimize your programming productivity and easily design your custom 4D Write Pro interfaces in just a few clicks.


Security and Data Protection

Security is an important and fundamental topic for a database or business solution system. This article proposes an overview of how 4D protects your data. In fact, security is about data protection. And data protection is a huge area. Data needs to be protected for unwanted access, but also for loss.


Source code sharing of internal 4D components with 4D Partners

4D has initiated a new program to share the source code of internal 4D key components such as the 64-bit Quick Report, the date/time pickers, or even the 4D Write Pro user interface.

Sounds already interesting, but what exactly does it concretely mean for you? You always wanted to use the Time picker widget, but with a different look and feel. The 4D Write Pro user interface is great, but can’t fit exactly in your application, that is requiring a more ‘Microsoft Office like’ ribbon bar approach.


More standard actions for Styled Text areas

You want to quickly create a toolbar for your Styled text areas. You want to change the font of the text or compute/freeze 4D Expressions without writing a line of code. It is possible using the new standard actions for Styled Text areas.

Just associate a standard action to each button object and 4D will handle everything automatically: action triggering but also the button activation or deactivation if the action is not available in the current context.


New object: an easy way to initialize an object

Discover New object, the new command of 4D to initialize an object. This command allows you to either create an empty object or create it with some initial properties and values. OB SET is now becoming unnecessary in several situations, New object is enough.

New object also allows to re-initialize an temporary object in a loop or simply directly pass an object as a parameter to a 4D command requesting an object as parameter, as Get database measures or GRAPH commands for instance.

This new command changes your way to write 4D code in many situations. New object creates an object and returns a reference to it. It allows more flexibility in your code. This command is the first of a series of new features related to objects … Stay tuned !

Product 4D Write Pro Standard action

Create your own interface for 4D Write Pro

You want to quickly create a menu bar to manage your 4D Write Pro areas? You want to create your own contextual menu for your end-users ? You would like to create a color mosaic to change the document background? So this feature is made for you – and better, you do not even need to write a single line of code…

We added standard actions to handle 4D Write Pro areas. They can be defined at design phase or by programming. More than 80+ actions are available and to name just some of them: Font style (bold, italic, underline), Font color, Background color, Text alignment (left, center, right, justify…), Borders (style, color, width, radius…), Spellchecker actions…

Something important to notice, when assigned to interface objects, standard actions automatically handle the activation/disabling of the object depending on the context. Easy!


Altura-free 4D Server Windows 64 bits coming soon

4D is moving forward to provide you with a full Altura-free Windows product line. This will allow us to internally use some modern technologies and make you benefit from it, such as support of Single Document Interface (SDI) windows for instance.

End of last year, we did a first announcement to share with you how we will proceed with the removal of Altura. With 4D v16 R2, we have delivered the Altura-free final version of 4D Developer Edition and 4D Volume Desktop Windows 64-bit. The last step is 4D Server, and this will happen in a near future. We are actually going to remove Altura library from 4D Server Windows 64 bits in a coming 4D v16 R-release.