
Report duplicates in unique fields

In 4D v15 R3, the way to detect duplicates in fields declared as unique has been enhanced so that users have a mean to know which are the offending fields.

What’s new? All the offending fields are now displayed in an error message or in the log.

Duplicates can be reported through 2 different ways:

  • when 4D needs to create indexes on a database with offending fields.
  • during an MSC Verify scan.


Avoid the “Select data file” dialog to show up for a new deployed app

When you deploy an application to your customer, either a merged 4D Server or Single User application, 4D usually opens the “Select data file” dialog. This happens because for an updated solution 4D cannot find the position of the last used data file, as you just replaced the old structure. And for a first time usage, 4D does not know where you would like to create the data file – so it asks for the location.

This dialog, as the very first interaction with your application, might be confusing for the customer. And the verification for the data file happens before the On Startup is executed, before your code has a chance to select another file. To avoid this, 4D v15 introduces a new feature, named Default Data.