Author: Vanessa Talbot

Vanessa Talbot
• Product Owner •Vanessa Talbot joined 4D Program team in June, 2014. As a Product Owner, she is in charge of writing the user stories then translating it to functional specifications. Her role is also to make sure that the feature implementation delivered is meeting the customer need.Since her arrival, she has worked to define key features in 4D. She has worked on most of preemptive multi-threading new features and also on a very complex subject: the new architecture for engined application. Vanessa has a degree from Telecom Saint-Etienne. She began her career at the Criminal Research Institute as a developer for the audiovisual department. She has also worked in media and medical fields as expert in technical support, production as well as documenting new features.
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4D for Mobile: What’s new in v19 R5

With every release, the list of 4D for iOS and 4D for Android features is growing bigger. And this feature release is no exception. Without further ado, let’s see what 4D v19 R5 has in store for you:


For 4D for Android and 4D for iOS Editor

  • Goods news! The interface of the editor is fully compatible in dark and light modes.


For 4D for Android (already available in 4D for iOS):

  • Turn your application into a barcode scanner to fill in a text input,
  • Allow to sign directly in the application delivery, an intervention report, an estimate,
  • Interact with different applications by touching a field on the screen:
    • an address to automatically display a map showing the location,
    • a phone number to call or add to contacts,
    • a mail to open the mail app,
    • a URL to open an URL in the default web browser.
  • Create your own Kotlin formatters for your specific needs.
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4D Write Pro is embracing the Dark (Mode)!

We are pleased to announce that this is the last step for dark mode on macOS. The last widgets of the library are compatible with dark mode:

  • 4D Write Pro Interface toolbar
  • 4D Write Pro Interface Sidebar
  • Rich text area


So starting with 4D v19 R4, the choice is yours, as you can completely develop and deploy using light or dark mode on macOS.

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Improved productivity with Object check syntax

Auto-completion for classes is available since 4D v18 R4. This feature simplifies code writing and limits errors in function names, for example. But it doesn’t avoid them entirely; it’s easy to reverse two letters or to forget a capital letter, and then have to spend time looking for why your code doesn’t work.

So what better way than to ask 4D to check if the classes or functions already exist?

Starting with 4D v19 R4, a warning is displayed in the code editor if you call a function that does not exist.