Author: Vanessa Talbot

Vanessa Talbot
• Product Owner •Vanessa Talbot joined 4D Program team in June, 2014. As a Product Owner, she is in charge of writing the user stories then translating it to functional specifications. Her role is also to make sure that the feature implementation delivered is meeting the customer need.Since her arrival, she has worked to define key features in 4D. She has worked on most of preemptive multi-threading new features and also on a very complex subject: the new architecture for engined application. Vanessa has a degree from Telecom Saint-Etienne. She began her career at the Criminal Research Institute as a developer for the audiovisual department. She has also worked in media and medical fields as expert in technical support, production as well as documenting new features.
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XML commands are now thread safe

Want to enhance your database scalability and use all the performance available with your multi-core machines?

With 4D v16, we have extended the list of thread-safe commands in order to use preemptive processes with your code handling XML.

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New architecture for application deployments

Today, merged applications save many information in the application package and also in the compiled file (.4DC). Besides preventing to create read-only applications, saving information in the application package has another annoying consequence: the information gets lost when you update the application.

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In 4D v15 R3, the algorithm of the REPLACE STRING command has been enhanced to make replacements on large amounts of data faster. In our tests replacing 32,000 occurrences, the new algorithm makes the command an average of 4000 times faster than the old one.

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Improvement for Product activation

The 4D product license activation has been improved in 4D v15 R2.

First activation by entering a single number

When you use a 4D Server, you need additional 4D Client, 4D Write, 4D View, and many others expansions. Then, you receive 5, 10, 20 or more license numbers to enter manually in your product.

Now, in v15 R2, you enter only the 4D Server license number, and your 5, 10, 20 and more expansions are also activated.

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Avoid the “Select data file” dialog to show up for a new deployed app

When you deploy an application to your customer, either a merged 4D Server or Single User application, 4D usually opens the “Select data file” dialog. This happens because for an updated solution 4D cannot find the position of the last used data file, as you just replaced the old structure. And for a first time usage, 4D does not know where you would like to create the data file – so it asks for the location.

This dialog, as the very first interaction with your application, might be confusing for the customer. And the verification for the data file happens before the On Startup is executed, before your code has a chance to select another file. To avoid this, 4D v15 introduces a new feature, named Default Data.