
Create, update and delete data with ORDA

4D v17 introduces ORDA, a major evolution in 4D which is opening a world of new possibilities for 4D developers. To learn more about ORDA and its benefits, check out this post to see how ORDA will change the way you work. In order to guide you through the ORDA exploration, we’ve prepared a series of blog posts fully dedicated to the core concepts and related features. This blog post will detail how you can perform CRUD operations on your database with ORDA. CRUD is an acronym for the four basic operations you can perform on data: Create, Read, Update, and Delete.


How ORDA will change the way you work

Imagine a way of using your database with an object-oriented approach, without worrying about its physical structure. Imagine that you could maintain multiple current selections at the same time or that you could perform recursive queries in a single line of codeWell, this is now a reality thanks to ORDA! With 4D v17, your code can be written in an object-oriented mode, and you can easily navigate through your entire data model.

ORDA was one of the major announcements of 4D Summit 2018, opening a world of new possibilities in 4D. It’s now time to give you more details about the ORDA features available with 4D v17. To do so, we’ve prepared a series of blog posts dedicated specifically to ORDA core concepts and related features. And we’ll release them, one after another, day after day.



We are thrilled to announce the launch of beta testing for 4D v17! This major release is chock-full of enhancements and new features that one blog post is not enough to cover them! 

With that being said, 4D v17 Beta introduces more than +60 advances including improvements to existing functionalities as well as new ones. And if you’re eager to see 4D v17 Beta in action, check out this extensive library of examples (HDIs) to have an overall idea on this release full potential.

So, let’s take a look and discover some of what 4D v17 Beta has in store for you:


  • ORDA: a revolutionary concept, making it possible to use your database in an object-oriented approach.
  • 4D language: major enhancements to help you boost your productivity with fewer lines of code.
  • 4D Write Pro: to create complex business documents.
  • Security: the highest security level off the shelf for 4D products.
  • 4D View Pro: to display advanced lists and create spreadsheets.
  • 4D commands: More 4D commands to enlarge your programming capabilities.
  • Flexible tools: to help you design an immersive User Experience.