Product Set the minimal TLS version for 4D Web Server

More security for your 4D Server

Over the years, security has become a core topic for business applications. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both frequently referred to as “SSL”, are cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network. The TLS version that your application is using for web or client/server connections, for instance, contributes to its security level.

4D supports all TLS versions: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. The protocol version used is negotiated between the server and the client when establishing the connection. To increase the security level, beginning with 4D v16 R5,  the default minimum supported version is TLS 1.2, older versions are rejected, as they could be unsecure.


Another way of coding: Object notation

Objects are great, everyone says so. Beside their wonderful flexibility, they are unbelievably fast. You can search through millions of records in just a fraction of a second. 4D v16 even allows to order by object attributes, and to do calculations such as Sum or Average.

With 4D v16 R4, the 4D language has been drastically enhanced to make the usage of objects much more comfortable – with the support of the object notation. Fast, flexible, efficient and now elegant!

Product 4D View Pro: cross table

Easily create cross-tables reports with the Quick Report editor

A new step has been reached in 4D v16 R2 with the 64-bit Quick Report editor: the cross-table reports are now available!

As you probably already noticed, the new Quick report for 64-bit versions had been fully redesigned since v15 R3 to provide you and your end-user with a better user experience. After list reports which were available as the very first step, we are now moving forward and delivering cross-table reports.

News 4D Windows 64-bit: Altura free

Altura-free version of 4D Windows 64-bit is on the way

On the way to provide Windows 64-bit version of the 4D product line we reached a major milestone, an Altura-free version. Altura is a library to emulate MacOS functionality on Windows, which was used to help plug-in developers to provide their products on Windows.

Although internally 4D for the most part did not use Altura any longer for a while, it was still deeply integrated to provide the functionality for 3rd party plug-ins.


New architecture for application deployments

Today, merged applications save many information in the application package and also in the compiled file (.4DC). Besides preventing to create read-only applications, saving information in the application package has another annoying consequence: the information gets lost when you update the application.