Delete a folder and its contents

The DELETE FOLDER command has been enhanced with an optional parameter that permits you to delete the selected folder and its contents at once.

Before, the command only deleted empty folders which forced the developer to delete the contents first. Now 4D developers’ lives are easier as they only need to pass a new parameter in the command. When the new parameter is passed, the deletion is forced and it only stops if its encounters are strictly protected files.

2 new options are available

  • Delete only if empty: delete the folder only if it’s empty (compatibility option)
  • Delete with contents: delete the tree regardless of its content


An example database (How Do I) and a video are available to demonstrate the other possible usages:

Example Database

For more details, please take a look at the 4D v15 R5 Upgrade Manual.

Caroline Briaud
• 4D Product Team Leader •Caroline joined 4D SAS in July, 2013 as an Engineering Manager responsible for new features definition. Caroline helped the Engineering team to put in place the R-release concept, with the new development process definition and its application within 4D’s engineering teams.Caroline is now leading the 4D Product team, mainly made up of Product Owners which are representing the customers within Engineering.Caroline started her career as a software developer in the mobile phone industry. She specialized in program management with an American company in an international context spread across US, India and China.