Product Set the minimal TLS version for 4D Web Server

More security for your 4D Server

Over the years, security has become a core topic for business applications. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both frequently referred to as “SSL”, are cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network. The TLS version that your application is using for web or client/server connections, for instance, contributes to its security level.

4D supports all TLS versions: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. The protocol version used is negotiated between the server and the client when establishing the connection. To increase the security level, beginning with 4D v16 R5,  the default minimum supported version is TLS 1.2, older versions are rejected, as they could be unsecure.

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4D v16 R5 Beta starts today!

We are pleased to announce the launch of beta testing for 4D v16 R5! It’s chock-full of interesting things, so let’s take a look and see what 4D v16 R5 BETA has in store for you

This release introduces some compelling features and enhancements, including:


  • Enforced security for 4D Web Server and password handling with appropriate and effective protocols and algorithms.
  • Simplified handling of undefined values in the 4D language.
  • The ability to programmatically manage your 4D Write Pro headers and footers.
  • Fully automatic adaptation of a list’s row height in 4D View Pro.
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4D v16 R4 is here!

4D v16 R4 is now available!

Beyond new opportunities of customizing and enhancing your application interface, 4D v16 R4 is bringing huge improvements to the 4D language. Download 4D v16 R4 and discover one of the most feature-rich R-releases ever!