To access the data in Microsoft 365, like emails, Microsoft is deprecating Basic authentication for IMAP and POP3 and is increasingly promoting the Graph API.
With this last set of functions that includes all the features to manage folders from the 4D v20, you have in 4D NetKit a set of functions to manage your mailboxes by programming with the Microsoft Graph API.
In this blog post, we will see how to create a new mail folder and rename and delete it.
Account connection
Before starting, we will create the OAuth2 connection object and the Office 365 object.
var $oAuth2: cs.NetKit.OAuth2Provider
var $office365 : cs.NetKit.Office365
New object("mailType"; "Microsoft"))
Create a mail folder.
You can create a new “Backup” folder to store your emails with the .createFolder() function:
// Creates a new folder on the root
If ($status.success)
// Moves your email in the new folder
$status:=$office365.mail.move($mailId; $folderId)
End if
Rename a mail folder
You can change the name of a folder thanks to the .renameFolder() funtion. For example, we can rename “Backup” to “Backup 2022”:
// Renames a folder
$status:=$office365.mail.renameFolder($folderId; "Backup 2022")
Delete a mail folder
If you don’t need the mail in your folder, you can delete it with the .deleteFolder() function:
With this last set of commands, you can manage your mailboxes through the Graph API, like with SMTP, IMAP, or POP3. If you haven’t already done so, you can check out the other blog posts on mailboxes management here:
- 4D and Microsoft 365 access
- Microsoft 365: Send Emails
- Microsoft 365: Receive Emails with the Microsoft Graph API
- Microsoft 365: Copy, Move, Reply, and Delete emails with the Microsoft Graph API
Check out this feature with the HDI and the documentation for more details!