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ISystem Worker possono assomigliare a LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS, ma sono molto più potenti.

Questo video di 15 minuti spiega come usare i System Worker con qualcosa di più del semplice comando LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS. Oltre al semplice utilizzo, mostra anche come usare i callback per ricevere informazioni da un’applicazione esterna in esecuzione, come una barra di avanzamento:

Thomas Maul
• VP of Strategy, 4D Product Line • When 4D's German subsidiary was created in 1988, Thomas joined the company as a Technical Director, helping to build the 4D developer community in both Germany and Austria. After many years supporting customers with technical problems and being increasingly involved in sales and management issues, he was promoted to Managing Director for 4D Germany in 1999. As a member of the executive board since 2005, he became part of worldwide strategy of the company, leading to his current position as Vice President of Strategy, 4D Product Line, responsible for defining and executing the overall strategy for the 4D product line in relation to the Program, R&D, Sales and Marketing teams.