Besides the fact that it has a larger address space, IPv6 also has many other advantages over IPv4: built-in features like support of multicast transmission, increased security with IPSec (providing confidentiality, authentication and data integrity) and the ability to display, in the 4D client connection dialog box, all the 4D Server available even if they are published on a non standard port (different than 19813).
4D introduced IPv6 support with 4D v14, however some dialogs were not perfectly arranged for the IPv6 use cases. 4D v16 R4 provides some UI improvements for a better user experience for people using IPv6 network configurations.
What has changed?
Database settings dialog have been reworked for each IP address-related pages: Client/Server, Web, and SQL server. 4D Server Administration window has also been modified to properly receive IPv6 addresses.
As a result, IPv6 is now fully supported by 4D for any kind of services! As long as your system has been setup to manage IPv6 addressing mode, all 4D apps will take benefit of it without any programming or complicated settings.
Using IPv6 protocol
Windows and macOS support IPv6 addressing mode. This can be configured in the system preferences panels on both platforms.

Once configured on the system IPv6 can now be used to connect 4D clients to 4D servers. The IPv6 protocol will be visible in connection dialog of 4D in the Remote connection dialog.

This feature is another benefit of the new network layer, so it requires 4D server to run in 64-bit mode.
For more details, please refer to the documentation.
Want to know more about IPv6?
IPv6, Internet Protocol version 6 is the most recent of the Internet Protocol, designed as the successor to IP version 4 (IPv4). IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. For more details, please refer to the official documentation RFC 2460.