
4D v16.2 ready for download

We are pleased to announce the availability of the latest update to our 4D v16 product line: 4D v16.2.

In addition to software corrections, 4D v16.2 contains the xerces library upgrade to version 3.1.4.

To download 4D v16.2, visit your 4D website today.


4D v16 R4 Beta starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R4 starts today! 4D v16 R4 is one of the feature-richest R-release ever delivered! There is so much to tell, I don’t know what to start with…

4D v16 R4 beta introduces 4 major product features, among others:


  • A major 4D language enhancement with the object notation, making the developer’s life easier!
  • Real tables in 4D Write Pro, answering the most-asked feature request for the old 4D Write.
  • The Single Document Interface (SDI) mode making your Windows 64-bit application entering a new world where application windows are all independent!
  • The first step of the 4D View Pro spreadsheet as a Preview, lifting the veil on a powerful spreadsheet solution for your 64-bit applications.

4D v16 R3 is available!

Upgrade now and benefit from the power of 4D v16 R3, available today for download!

Take advantage of our new features to optimize your programming productivity and easily design your custom 4D Write Pro interfaces in just a few clicks.


Source code sharing of internal 4D components with 4D Partners

4D has initiated a new program to share the source code of internal 4D key components such as the 64-bit Quick Report, the date/time pickers, or even the 4D Write Pro user interface.

Sounds already interesting, but what exactly does it concretely mean for you? You always wanted to use the Time picker widget, but with a different look and feel. The 4D Write Pro user interface is great, but can’t fit exactly in your application, that is requiring a more ‘Microsoft Office like’ ribbon bar approach.


4D v16.1 ready for download

We are pleased to announce the availability of the latest update to our 4D v16 product line: 4D v16.1.

In addition to software corrections, 4D v16.1 contains the Open SSL library upgrade to version 1.0.2k.

To download 4D v16.1, visit your 4D website today.


Altura-free 4D Server Windows 64 bits coming soon

4D is moving forward to provide you with a full Altura-free Windows product line. This will allow us to internally use some modern technologies and make you benefit from it, such as support of Single Document Interface (SDI) windows for instance.

End of last year, we did a first announcement to share with you how we will proceed with the removal of Altura. With 4D v16 R2, we have delivered the Altura-free final version of 4D Developer Edition and 4D Volume Desktop Windows 64-bit. The last step is 4D Server, and this will happen in a near future. We are actually going to remove Altura library from 4D Server Windows 64 bits in a coming 4D v16 R-release.


4D v16 R3 beta test starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R3 starts today! So what are the new features available in 4D v16 R3 beta?

New perspectives using standard actions

4D v16 R3 is bringing wider possibilities using the standard actions mechanism. As a reminder, standard actions – such as First Record (existing) or color?value=red (new) – can be assigned to a button or a menu item in the user interface or by programming. A benefit is that 4D also automatically handles the menu item deactivation whenever the action is not applicable.

News v16 R2

4D v16 R2 is available!

Upgrade now and benefit from the power of 4D v16 R2. Rapidly create and deploy robust and beautifully designed applications that solve complex problems!

  • Use the 4D Write Pro ruler to easily control the position of elements
  • Query your object fields using criteria on array elements
  • Use the highly professional feature – instant snapshots of 4D data with VMWare vSphere or Windows Server 2016 Snapshot Support
  • Personalize the list box selection highlight color
  • Use the new rendering engine for Web areas based on Blink from Google
  • Use 4D entirely in 64-bit
News 4D v15.4

4D v15.4 – macOS 10.12 Sierra and Windows Server 2016 certified

We are pleased to announce that 4D v15.4 has successfully passed the macOS Sierra (10.12) certification process.

If your solutions are deployed on Windows server, you can now upgrade to Windows Server 2016 with confidence, 4D v15.4 being also certified for this new OS.

Upgrade to 4D v15.4 and benefit from the new software corrections and OS certifications. Thanks to this new release, you can run your applications on both mac OS 10.12 and Windows Server 2016 without any undocumented behaviour/change.

To download 4D v15.4, visit your 4D website today.


4D v16 R2 beta test starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R2 starts today!

4D v16 R2 delivers the final version of Altura-free 4D Developer Edition Windows 64-bit as well as great improvements, among other things, as listed below:

  • Better integration into the enterprise with Virtual Machine Snapshots Support
  • More control and higher flexibility for the developer: Cache Manager priority control, new programmatic possibilities for list boxes, search in array in objects using linked arguments,…
  • Improved user experience: horizontal ruler in 4D Write Pro, cross table in Quick Report 64-bit editor as well as a revisited Find in Design dialog.
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