MSC now helps you to find deprecated images

QuickDraw/QuickTime pictures (PICT format) are deprecated since 4D v11 and must be replaced by modern picture formats (such as PNG or JPEG). New 64-bit versions of 4D no longer support PICT images. So the challenge is to find them in your old applications.

Such images in your application appear in a 64-bit version of 4D with this picture instead:pict-not-supported-80x80

New warnings in the MSC of 4D v16 help you find out where the obsolete images are located. The verification is made on all form objects, static images, menu bar background images and menu item icons. Obsolete images (PICT or containing PICT format) can no longer be displayed on screen or in print jobs. With these warnings, you can easily find old PICT images in your application and replace them.

These warnings appear, if needed, in the log file when you verify your application through the MSC.


For more details, you can take a look at the Verify page from the Maintenance and security center section in 4D v16 documentation.

Fabrice Mainguené
• Product Owner •Fabrice Mainguené joined 4D Program team in November, 2016. As a Product Owner, he is in charge of writing the user stories then translating it to functional specifications. His role is also to make sure that the feature implementation delivered is meeting the customer need.After obtaining a Bachelor degree in Computer Science at CNAM, Fabrice joined a small software publishing company as a Windev developer. Then he worked for different companies in industry and trade areas as a Windev and web developer as well as technical advisor on new features.