Since several versions of 4D, different features have been added to create your own build chain. For example,
- the creation of a “.zip” folder,
- the addition of information such as the copyright on an executable or a “dll”,
- the creation of an “info.plist” file,
- and the new build4D component.
With 4D v20, two new features allow finalizing the creation of a standalone or client/server application in 4D code:
- the addition of an icon to an executable
- the generation of the deployment license file for a server (OEM license only) or a standalone application.
Add icons to an exe
On Windows, the setAppInfo function of the File class allows adding some information, like the company and the copyright, to an executable. We have added a new attribute, “WinIcon,” to pass the “.ico” file to use.
Here is an example of code:
var $exeFile : 4D.File
var $iconFile : 4D.File
$exeFile:=Folder(fk desktop folder).file("myApp/myApp.exe")
$exeFile.setAppInfo(New object("WinIcon"; $iconFile.path))
If you wonder, what about macOS? This is already possible since the creation of the setAppInfo function.
To add an icon to a “.app” file. You have to put the “.icns” file in the “Resources” folder of the application. Then add a key “CFBundleIconFile” in the “info.plist” file with the path of the icon relative to the “Resources” folder.
var $plistFile : 4D.File
$pListFile:= Folder(fk desktop folder).file("")
$pListFile.setAppInfo(New object("CFBundleIconFile";"myApp.icns"))
Generate deployment license
The new command Create deployment license allows the creation of the license for a server or a single-user application. To do this, you must pass the generated application folder and the license file as parameters to generate the deployment license.
Single-user application:
var $status : Object
var $application : 4D.File
var $license : 4D.File
$license:=Folder(fk licenses folder).file("4UUD200-xxx.license4D")
$application:=Folder(fk desktop folder).folder("")
$status:=Create deployment license($application; $license)
Server with OEM license:
var $status : Object
var $application : 4D.File
var $serverLicense; $oemLicense : 4D.File
$serverLicense:=Folder(fk licenses folder).file("4UOS200-xxx.license4D")
$oemLicense:=Folder(fk licenses folder).file("4DOM200-xxx.license4D")
$application:=Folder(fk desktop folder).folder("")
$status:=Create deployment license($application; $serverLicense; $oemLicense)
On Github, you have the Build4D component that allows you to create your own build chain. For now, you can customize and automate the creation of a compiled base or a component. Stay tuned for new developments coming soon.