
Get ready for Object Notation

You are looking forward to start coding with Object Notation? For sure, Object Notation will make your life easier as a developer. But before activating it in your existing application, you should make sure that your code is ready.

The new Object Notation syntax introduces some restraints as 4D language now considers the three following characters as reserved symbols: “ . ”, “ [ ” and “ ] ” (i.e. dot, opening and closing brackets).

As a consequence, once you have activated the Object Notation in your database, it is no longer allowed to use these symbols in variable names, method names, table names, or field names. And of course it is the same for your existing code!

So it is important to check that your application does not contain these symbols before activating this feature. But don’t worry the MSC can do it for you!


4D v16 R4 Beta starts today!

I am pleased to announce that the beta testing of 4D v16 R4 starts today! 4D v16 R4 is one of the feature-richest R-release ever delivered! There is so much to tell, I don’t know what to start with…

4D v16 R4 beta introduces 4 major product features, among others:


  • A major 4D language enhancement with the object notation, making the developer’s life easier!
  • Real tables in 4D Write Pro, answering the most-asked feature request for the old 4D Write.
  • The Single Document Interface (SDI) mode making your Windows 64-bit application entering a new world where application windows are all independent!
  • The first step of the 4D View Pro spreadsheet as a Preview, lifting the veil on a powerful spreadsheet solution for your 64-bit applications.