by Add Komoncharoensiri, Director of Technical Services at 4D Inc
Here we go with another set of tips and tricks.
The 4D Knowledge Base is a library of information about 4D technology where weekly tech tips and monthly tech notes are actively published. If you missed the last tips on the KB, that’s fine; here is a compilation from the past few weeks.
This blog post covers 17 tips:
- Create a custom searchable field for 4D Write Pro New
- Access and Edit Backup Settings in a Compiled Project Database
- Utility Method Converting from Hexadecimal(Base16) to Decimal(Base10)
- Obtain a collection of object values from a collection of objects using the
- ORDA query – Null and Undefined data types
- Getting object coordinates when within the list form footer
- Multiline Behavior in Text Input Boxes Bound to Table Fields
- 4D Write Pro Numbered Lists and Style Sheets
- “Available space” error after data file repair
- Converting certificate authority .pfx file to .pem
- Locked Property List Window When Upgrading to Newer Versions of 4D
- Viewing Values of Object in the Debugger Source Code Pane
- Managing Styles and Colors of ListBoxes
- Utility Method Decimal to Hexadecimal
- Registering service to the currently logged-in account to avoid launch issues
- ORDA query with related entities and aggregate function
- Replace Process Variables Bound to Input Boxes With Dynamic Variables