4D Versioning: Feature Releases & LTS Releases Explained!
If you’ve struggled to differentiate between Feature Releases (e.g., 4D v19 R6) and the LTS releases — previously known as dot releases or .x versions (e.g., 4D v19.6), you’ve come to the right place to learn more.
Deprecated and Removed 4D features: Why and How?
For over 36 years, our main goal has been to enhance our product while ensuring the compatibility of your 4D applications. This, of course, brings change, and change can be frustrating. With this in mind, we always aim to minimize the impact on your businesses with timely announcements, and most importantly, an improved alternative to the deprecated or removed functionality to ensure a smooth transition.
3 Reasons Why We Release Early and Often
Recently we’ve been answering questions on the 4D forum about commands and functionalities that felt incomplete or were missing, such as the Mail feature.
In this blog post, we’ll go through the 4D strategy behind the decision to release versions that are not fully developed, which is summarized in the “release early, release often” paradigm.
New 4D Product Release Cycle: Everything You Need To Know
You may notice that beginning with 4D v18, the naming convention and intervals of our product releases have been changed. It’s for good reasons. Here’s everything you need to know about these changes: