
Find a specific attribute value in a single line of code!

Remember the days when you had to use nested loops and conditional statements to retrieve an object’s attribute? So you ended up with a long and complicated piece of code? Well, those days are over! Thanks to object notation combined with collections and their methods, you’re now able to write code faster, and in a more readable way!

Finding a specific attribute’s value has never been easier. Let’s take a look at a real life scenario and discover how!

Product New icons for Form Editor

Icon modernization continues

While icons may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of design, they actually play a crucial role in improving human-software interactions by offering a method of communication beyond just text.

With 4D v16 R6, we have modernized the look of the Form Editor and the User Form Editor icons to improve readability and clarity. 

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4D Summit Advanced Training 2018 – Innovation at its finest!

In this year’s 4D Summit Advanced Training, you’re going to learn about a lot of new innovative concepts that will be revealed during the Keynote and the MasterClass.

Not only sugar syntax, but accessing data in a very different way. Not only will these cutting edge features will allow you to take your applications to a whole new level, but they will also help you attract new talent! However, if you’re still skeptical and trying to decide if it’s worth booking a whole day dedicated to this new version, well the answer is: YES, it’s definitely worth it!

Product New constants for the command Get 4D files

Easy access to log files

Log files can be extremely useful for troubleshooting. They’re also a big help for finding the root cause of an incident. Logs let us track of where a problem occurred, and when. Before, with the Get 4D folder command, you could easily access the folder containing all the logs. Now, 4D v16 R6 makes easy to find a particular log file, thanks to the enhancement of the Get 4D file command.

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Backup and Security

There’s a saying about not sweating the small stuff, but when it comes to security, it’s often the little things that have the biggest impact.

On the “Backup” page of Database Settings, you’ll notice an option for an automatic restore of the last backup if your database is damaged. To provide you with the best level of protection for your data, this option is now checked by default for new databases, right out of the box. 

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Convert collections

4D v16 R6 provides advanced capabilities to manipulate collections, thanks to 40+ methods to be used with Object Notation. By using them, you’ll be able to write your code in a more efficient way. New code is great, but we also kept in mind that this new code needs to easily integrate with your existing code. This is why we’ve introduced dedicated commands to convert collections to arrays or strings, and vice-versa.